Religious Occultism

Religious Occultism
Nothing Is, What it Seems...

Τετάρτη, Ιανουαρίου 23, 2008

Clinical Death

Neither Living Nor Dead
Comatose Status For No One To Be cared,

Critical stage, in the mood for dead
Suicidal razors covered in bloody red,

Hostile psychological factors never to be found
Do you really know what secrets lying within the black hound?

Waiting for atonement or nothing at all?
Be ready and see and inform us all,

Lying hilarious with beguile smile
Just walk away on the faraway mosaic tile,

The line almost flat
Do you really know what means that?

One moment away from the end
Why don’t you get away with this dead end?

Struggling to live or die?
It’s up to you to defy,

The lights faint, a dark veil spreading upon your eyes
Your beloved sorrowful angel noisily sighs,

Stopped breathing, leaving life
But the mind is still fixed to the last knife,

The violin begins the requiem for you
A tormented soul nailed before you,

All was in vain?
Or just something still triggers your vein?

(February 2008)